
sábado, 24 de julio de 2021

How Much Loki, WandaVision & Falcon & The Winter Soldier Cost To Make

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The MCU shows so far on Disney+ - Loki, WandaVision, and Falcon and the Winter Soldier - resemble movies, and that's because they cost a lot to make. The MCU has never been a low-budget franchise, with even the first Iron Man movie costing $140 million to produce. To be fair though, Tony Stark's debut made $585 million worldwide, setting the tone early on for Marvel Studios, that big spending on their blockbusters would ultimately equal even bigger profits.

Each and every movie in the MCU has had a budget of $100 million or more, in several recent cases even crossing the $200 million mark. When each MCU movie lately tends to cross - or at least come close to - the billion-dollar level worldwide though, it's hard to argue that the truckloads of cash Marvel Studios and parent company Disney are putting out isn't worth it in the long run. The MCU has earned a reputation for both consistent quality and consistently good visuals, and this has proven no different on Disney+.

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Visually, they're also on par with the MCU heroes' big-screen adventures, especially WandaVision and Loki, which got to indulge in much wilder special effects shots than did the more grounded Falcon and the Winter Soldier. As one might imagine, things like that are far from cheap, and all three shows cost big bucks. Adding TV shows to the MCU fold made some question if Marvel was finally risking over-saturating the franchise, but just as many have been waiting for over a decade now for Marvel Studios to release its first truly bad movie, the MCU shows so far are hits with both critics and fans.

Unsurprisingly, Marvel Studios hasn't released exact budget figures for Loki, WandaVision, or The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Neither Marvel nor Disney is known for being forthcoming with such financial details. However, reports from back around the time Disney+ launched in 2019 shed some light on the topic. It was reported that each Marvel Studios show on Disney+ would likely cost around $25 million per episode. That sounds like a lot, and it is, outpacing even shows like Game of Thrones by a big margin.

That means that if the $25 million figure held, WandaVision's nine-episode run could've cost Marvel and Disney a gargantuan $225 million. That still pales in comparison to the cost of a movie like Avengers: Endgame, but it's astronomically high for a TV show. Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Loki each only ran six episodes, meaning their runs likely topped out right around $150 million in production costs. That's a lot, but at least a savings from WandaVision. It's important to keep in mind though that these numbers likely don't include marketing costs. Thankfully, all three MCU shows so far have been huge hits, and have likely drawn in thousands, if not millions, of new Disney+ subscribers.

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